
Lay-Z-Spa Rio Hot Tub Review

When the start of Covid/Corona virus started to become apparent that we could be facing a long time in "shut down" we started to make plans about what we might want to get us through the next few months. In came some bikes as part of the social distancing measures, along with a PS4 for me. My other half for months had badgered me that we should get a hot tub for home. I made the excuse that I didn't want to get one whilst we lived in rented home as it would be difficult to move. That was until we saw the Lay-Z-Spa Rio Hot Tub at a local super market. Now this had been the hit of last summer and although we were slightly late to the game…
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Chastise (The Dambusters raid) – Max Hastings Book Review

A fantastic book on the famous 1943 Dambusters raid. As someone who knows this amazing war event based on the film. This book goes a long way to give that film a more rounded view. The view of the film is that it was skill and the best pilots that got them through the raid but in fact it was much more a case of luck that gave them the success they had. The film dictates that Guy Gibson (who was the Squadron Leader of 617 - the Squadron better known as the Dambusters) selected the crews for the mission drawing on the best pilots that the RAF had to offer - but this book goes a long way to tell that in fact that the crews are made up…
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Watermans Grow Me

As I've been getting older I've been more conscious about trying to look after myself more. This comes both in the way of diet, personal trainer and fitness, and also things like my skin care with the use of Bulldog products. More recently I've now moved to using Watermans Grow Me Shampoo and Conditioner as well. In my late 30's I had started to notice that my hair had both started to thin and also recced. I really had no fuss about turning grey that didn't bother me - but I know that I didn't want to go bald! It's probably not something that I could control I thought (bar expensive surgery) - but I was determined to see what I could do what I could about it. This is…
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What cars are in my dream garage??

So anyone who follows this blog will know I'm a big car nut. Anything (within reason) with 4 wheels on and I'm interested. This doesn't apply to every vehicle - I mean a Dacia Sandero isn't exactly going to float my boat. But you get the idea. I've got a bucket list of things I want to do in life. I've also got a bucket list of Cars. Now these aren't all road legal and some let's say aren't the most practical but if money wasn't an object what would be positioned in my Dream Garage? Going straight in with a non road legal and non practical one as my first purchase! This is the most beautiful F1 car of all time. No question. Jordan was "my team" as a…
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Travelling to Canada

Travelling is something everyone loves to do. I love it you can read about some of my other posts like my Route 66 tips to see how much I love it! Although it may be a while until your next trip abroad given the Corona situation, it is never too early to start the planning process now. Getting prepared is something that's fun, especially because it reduces the stress and anxiety when you take your trip. If you have always wanted to visit Canada no matter what the weather is, you will get to visit the stunning scenery and try some famous maple syrup! Here is a couple of things you need to know before Travelling to Canada for your holidays! An Electronic Travel Authorisation Visa, or an ETA Visa…
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