
Route 66 Oklahoma Part 1

After leaving the smallest state in Kansas Route 66 we head to Route 66 Oklahoma! It was really noticable to see how the states were different. This sounds like an odd statement I know to make but in the way of the towns, the make up of the farm land and just what you saw. As you move further West on the route you see how each different state treats Route 66 and what they have as important. Oklahoma is no different to this. As the famous song goes "Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain" and I really felt that I noticed this that things were more spread out and there was more farming in the state than perhaps than we had seen before. When we went…
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2021 Goals

I wrote my 2020 Goals in Mid January. Who would know what we would be facing only a few months later. The global pandemic wiped out a load of what we had planned for 2020!! So in writing my 2021 goals what have I thought about? Well some of what we set out to achieve in 2020 actually happened. I didn't list all of my goals in the post but one of the personal goals was getting a promotion at work. That happened in May. Sadly all our travel goals of course went out the window as things shut down. So my 2021 goals are really a sort of 2020.5 or a 2021 "Hybrid". With some carry over from 2020 and then some new ones for 2021. Plus some that…
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Lapland Silverstone

Just before xmas we headed off to Lapland Silverstone. For me (and anyone who knows me) I'm a massive petrol head. The fact that we did Route 66, Indy 500, and multiple other race events should give you this clue! So for the ability to take our own car onto the world famous Silverstone Race Circuit was something that we couldn't turn down. To add even more to this the track was being lit up with lots of lighting and effects. Given that this is the day job and something I'm equally passionate about the whole Lapland experience was like a perfect match!   So one cold December evening we headed off to Silverstone. As we approached the circuit from a good few miles away you could see all the…
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Top 5 Posts of 2020

As part of my 2020 goals I set out to do this blog more than I had in the past! I think I've achieved this. The following, levels of interaction and stats prove this! So thank you for reading the posts. For a blog that's mostly based on travel and experiences I've occasionally struggled with the content that I've put up. However there are some great posts that I'm really happy with. So if you are a new reader have a look at my Top 5 posts of 2020! Still as topical as it was on the first time that it was written! This post covered off my recent (September) travel to Germany for work. This post was really popular given that many people at the time hadn't travelled since…
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RHS Wisley Glow

I've spent my life around lighting and doing events. I don't talk about it much on the blog.However it's a big part of my life and even when I'm on the day "off" I don't mind spending my time looking at lighting either! So when I was asked by my old company if I wanted to see what they had been up to in the run up to Xmas at RHS Wisley Glow 2020 event I jumped at the chance. Making our way down to the RHS you were greeted by the entrance being all lit up. There was the winter feel with small stalls offering things like xmas cheeses, fudge and winter Cider drinks. This year hasn't been one for much of a cheer. Most of my 2020 goals…
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