
Route 66 Illinois (Part 1)

Route 66 Illinois and the city of Chicago is the official start to the route. Not only is the "official" start sign it's also the state I think with the most things to do. From the city of Chicago that we loved, through to places like Pontiac (yes the home of Pontiac), the State capitol of Springfield, Joliet and Wilmington. If you are doing the more traditional route of East to West (like we started our journey). You'll get the sense of the whole trip starting and the enjoyment that's to come. There is so much history on this part of the route, you'll struggle at times to know when to stop and start! Because there is SO much in Illinois todo I've split this post into 2 sections. This…
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Road Tripping!

There is nothing better than freedom when it comes to travel. To get away from the schedules of planes and trains, you need to get behind the wheel of the car and embrace the freedom that comes with being out on the open road. You may not have considered a road trip for your next holiday, but this could be everything that you need for this year. We went on our road trip on Route 66 in the USA last year and frankly it was one of the best holidays that I've ever had! If you’re used to jet setting and seeing the world from the sky, you may not have considered how a road trip could change things for you. If you don't own a car right now, don’t…
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Route 66 Tips and Tricks

Planning your Route 66 trip can appear quite daunting. It's travelling across one of the biggest land masses on Earth. You'll find my post coming soon about the best things to do and see but Route 66 isn't all about that. To get the most out of the trip and make sure that you firstly don't miss anything and also you are as fully prepared as you can be I've pulled a number of hints and tips together to try and make your trip more enjoyable.  This isn't a you must do this or you must do that those posts are elsewhere on the site, but this is a post about the tips and tricks that might make your whole trip easier/simpler or indeed safer! Don't plan to much  It's…
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