
Dear British Airways

Dear British Airways, It’s not me, It’s you. I really tried my best to love you and be with you but I think it’s time we had the “chat”. It sounds like a breakup letter – and in some ways I guess that’s how I feel at this very moment. So here’s the thing. I fly a lot in the year. Yes not as much as some people but a lot more than a lot of people. I’ll probably end up this year at around the 40-50 flights for the year. Not quite a flight a week but really not far off. I would say that 90% of those flights are on British Airways. The other 10% either with budget carriers (because of locations they fly) or they are an…
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I’m back…

I'm back. I wrote a post about blogging in COVD times back in early 2021. I wasn't really sure where life was going and taking me. Jo and I were getting married. Life was super busy (and that's not changed at ALL) and I think that I was just suffering from blogging burn out. I wasn't really enjoying working on this site any more and I was finding it a little bit of a chore.   Well Jo and I have got married! We've got a beautiful little furry friend now called Max who joined us July 2021. My work continues now to go from strength to strength. I'm probably travelling more internationally than I've ever done. I'm rapidly heading towards my "mid 40's" which is scary to say the…
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What to Look for in a Luxury Holiday Resort

Whether you’re planning a memorable trip with your partner or want to treat yourself to something special once in a while, a luxury resort is not only perfect but also affordable. What makes a luxury resort stand out? Is it the location or the amenities offered? Perhaps it’s the service or the experience. The fact is that there are many options to consider when planning your next vacation, and it’s easy to get confused among all these choices. To make things easier for you, we have listed 5 factors you should consider when looking for a luxury holiday destination.  The Location The location of a resort is a significant factor to keep in mind. Some factors to be considered when evaluating the location of a resort are transportation to and…
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How To Choose The Right Company To Outsource Your Tasks To

When it comes to outsourcing, many people feel overwhelmed. It can be hard to know who to trust and what company is right for your specific needs. This blog will outline a few tips that will help you choose the right company to outsource your tasks to. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that you work with a reputable and qualified business partner. Before you begin your search for a company to outsource to, it is essential that you take the time to define your needs. What tasks do you need help with? What are your budget constraints? By having a clear understanding of what you need, you can narrow down your options and choose a company that is best suited to meet your needs. If you are…
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4 Things Beginners Can Do To Improve Their Gaming Experience

If you're a gamer, you know that having the best gaming experience possible is essential. Nobody wants to spend hours playing a game and have it be frustrating or unpleasant. Here are four things you can do to improve your gaming experience. Having a good gaming chair is vital for your comfort and health. A quality chair will have features like height adjustment, back support, and armrests. It's also important to make sure the chair is comfortable for you. If it's not, you're going to be less likely to want to use it, which will affect your gameplay. An excellent way to test whether a chair is comfortable or not is to sit in it for a while and see how you feel. Make sure you adjust the height and…
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