I've always dreamed of Owning a holiday home. Although it's not on my 2020 goals list - if you asked me for my goals for the 20's it would be on there! Only a handful of people will witness that dream becoming a reality. If you’re lucky enough to have the finances to purchase a holiday home, there are several things that you need to consider!! Unlike purchasing a home in your country, there are certain things that you need to be aware of. These include local laws regarding home buying, the amenities that are nearby and what will happen to the property when you’re away. You also need to think about home loans and how you are going to finance it. In the present climate with the global housing…
Did you know that more and more Britons are considering quitting their jobs? It’s time to change our perception of quitting. Resigning from your current job is often described as a sign of instability or unreliability. Millennials, especially, have been the first generation in the workplace to make quitting a frequent occurrence. Millennials are not afraid to change jobs to the point where their behaviour inspired the concept of job-hopping. Indeed, more than 55% of college graduates choose to change companies within the first two years of being hired. By age 35, a quarter of Millennials in the workforce have had at least five different jobs. In other words, Millennials are comfortable with quitting jobs. And it’s a good thing because their job-hopping approach is removing the negative sensation that…
There is nothing better than freedom when it comes to travel. To get away from the schedules of planes and trains, you need to get behind the wheel of the car and embrace the freedom that comes with being out on the open road. You may not have considered a road trip for your next holiday, but this could be everything that you need for this year. We went on our road trip on Route 66 in the USA last year and frankly it was one of the best holidays that I've ever had! If you’re used to jet setting and seeing the world from the sky, you may not have considered how a road trip could change things for you. If you don't own a car right now, don’t…
2020 Goals or 2020 New Year Resolutions?! I used to try and set new years resolutions but found that usually by the end of January most of them come one way or another had failed, been broken or I had just given up. If any of them involved food or Alcohol as well that made it doubly difficult as well because with my birthday being in January as well it always meant that I was struggling to do things like "Dry January" etc... I turn 40 this year and one of the things that I've been looking at is how to get my life balance back on track. It's far too easy for me to sit and scroll through social media for hours on end, going down a rabbit hole…
Life can get a little difficult at times. Even for someone like me who's fairly confident and outgoing, behind the closed doors of home we all reach difficulties at some point. Burnout is a real thing, and it’s something that we should really all avoid if we’re to lead the busy lives that we do. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, too much work can ruin us mentally and physically. Have you ever been burnt out due to work or something similarly straining? You probably have done. If you haven’t, then you’re a lucky individual – or you have great management skills! Burning out is so strange – we genuinely feel as though all of the energy has been sucked from our body. We stop thinking straight, and our…