
Route 66 Kansas

If you've not read about Illinois or Missouri you can read about these parts of the route from the Route 66 master page. We now enter into Kansas. Kansas is the smallest of the Route 66 states and if you didn't stop you could drive it in 10 minutes. However there is lots of reasons to stop! If you've ever seen the Disney film franchise Cars the town of Radiator Springs has had a large amount of influence of both Galena and Baxter Springs. These are the 2 towns you'll drive through in Kansas.
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Route 66 Missouri (Part 2)

If you've not read Part 1 of Route 66 Missouri do so here! After you've had a good laugh at all the possible tshirts that you can buy it's time to get back on the road again for the rest of Missouri! You first main town that you come to is Lebabon. Here you'll find a good Route 66 Museum as well as a couple of murals in the town. You then come to another Springfield. This one isn't the state capitol nor the home of the Simpsons - but it has another good museum that's worth having a look at. At this point you're probably thinking that it's all about the Route 66 Museums in every town. It does feel like that at times, but they all have something…
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Route 66 Missouri (part 1)

When you enter St Louis you come in via the state of Illinois. When you leave St Louis you are on Route 66 Missouri. St Louis for us was probably the "worst" city of the Route 66. I don't know what it was about the city - but for us it was a little disappointing and probably one of the only times we didn't feel safe on Route 66. We stayed downtown in a chain hotel and our night in the city walked to the Gateway Arch to get a good sight of the city at night. For me this was great to see a city at night from on high - but I'm sure that in the day time the view would have been great. The ride to the…
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Route 66 Hotels

One of the key ingredients of Route 66 is all the classic Hotels you can stay at. Of course there are many of the normal chains like Holiday Inn which you can stay at but that's not really the point to getting the full on Route 66 experience! There are a load of great Route 66 Hotels to stay at and by no means is this a full on comprehensive list but these are the ones that are worth it. Whilst some people like to just travel Route 66 and stop where they want, these hotels are the popular ones and with that I recommend that you book in advance. They only have a few rooms so it doesn't take much for them to all get booked up! Town: Tucumcari…
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Route 66 Budget

If you've read my Tips and Tricks for Route 66 there is a section about the budget needed for your trip. However this doesn't touch on the details for the money you might spend. It's easy to spend loads and loads - but also do it on a bit of a budget as well. Although we did it the way below it's not a prescription of "how to do it" but just trying to give you an idea of what you might face on the road trip. This trip was taken in 2019 and all prices are based on these rates. You can find my master Route 66 information page here. This is going to be your biggest expense. We booked some of the key ones that we didn't want…
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