
F1 Arcade Review

If you have followed this blog or indeed follow me on instagram you should know (if you don't what rock are you hiding under?!) that I'm a massive motor sports fan. From doing the triple crown of Le Mans, Indy 500 and Monaco Grand Prix. This year we also headed to the Daytona 500 - another "classic" race. Basically I can't get enough of anything to do with 4 wheels, a large engine and them going around a track. So when F1 opened the Formula 1 Arcade end of last year - this was definitely on the "must do" list. I've been a couple of times now to the London venue both with my wife and also with a group of friends.  So what did I make of the Formula One…
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Top 10 F1 Drivers in 2020

So this year we should have been going to the Monaco Grand Prix. It was all part of my 2020 goals. However of course Corona virus took hold and firstly we couldn't travel and secondly there wasn't a race! It was meant to be a "joint" 40th/30th for myself and Jo and the final part of the 3 great races bucket list having ticked off the Indy 500 in 2019. Even though we didn't make the F1 this year we're looking forward to getting back on it next year and heading down to the race weekend. Yes I'm sure it won't be as it would in a normal year but I'm sure it will still be an amazing time! Despite no travelling to any races this year I've still kept…
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