
Top 5 Posts of 2020

Top 5 Posts of 2020

As part of my 2020 goals I set out to do this blog more than I had in the past! I think I've achieved this. The following, levels of interaction and stats prove this! So thank you for reading the posts. For a blog that's mostly based on travel and experiences I've occasionally struggled with the content that I've put up. However there are some great posts that I'm really happy with. So if you are a new reader have a look at my Top 5 posts of 2020!

5 Travelling in Covid

Still as topical as it was on the first time that it was written! This post covered off my recent (September) travel to Germany for work. This post was really popular given that many people at the time hadn't travelled since the start of COVID. I've not been on a plane since and at the moment I don't know when I will next either which is really sad!

I had to travel last week to Germany for business and it was the first time that I had travelled abroad since February. For someone who’s usually on a plane every few weeks it was a bit of shock! However how did I find the experience of Travelling in Covid?

You can read this post here!

4 Bedroom Make Over

We moved house during the COVID shut down. The house was in great shape when we moved in but we wanted to put our own shape on it. We're far from an interior decorating couple and we're more "we like this" type couple. Perhaps not everyone would like it. Perhaps they might. Who knows?!

We did 5 rooms before we moved in as we had a nice overlap between our rental place and this place. However the one room "left" was the spare bedroom. With a week off work to use up (as our plans for 2020 have gone down the COVID drain) I decided that it was time to do get the bedroom make over done and dusted!

You can read this post here!

3 Hotel Indigo Stratford Review

Back early March when you could travel and you could stay in Hotels I had a great stay in Stratford! Anyone who's read my blog elsewhere know's that I love a good Hotel Indigo. So when a work trip to Stratford Upon Avon came up and I saw an Indigo on offer. Why not?! What I didn't know was quite how good the Hotel Indigo Stratford Upon Avon was going to be. Now when I say the statement that it was the best hotel that I've stayed in ever that might sound dramatic. But here's the thing. Yes of course if you stay in a £1k a night hotel I'm sure that it would be better. However for £160 a night? Genuinely this is the best hotel I've ever stayed in!

You can read the post here

2 Ted Baker Suit

2020 was the year for increasing my stock of Ted Baker! I did a Love for Ted Baker post and also one about the Ted Baker Coat. However my favourite was the post I did on my Ted Baker suit. I've wanted one for a long time, but it's never quite been the right time to get one. I've either been really aware that I'm perhaps carrying a bit more weight than I've wanted, and wanted to lose weight before buying, or i've not liked the style of the ones on offer.

However we went out shopping after the clothing store lock down was lifted. I wasn't after anything particular or indeed we didn't go shopping for the suit, however we couldn't not pop into the Cambridge Ted Baker store could we!

You can read this post here!


This post was my number one Top 5 post of 2020. Not only was it one of the most favourite to write it was also the one that had the most traffic to it, it was also the first time that I reached number 1 on Google!

When the start of Covid/Corona virus started to become apparent that we could be facing a long time in "shut down" we started to make plans about what we might want to get us through the next few months. My other half for months had badgered me that we should get a hot tub for home. I made the excuse that I didn't want to get one whilst we lived in rented home as it would be difficult to move. That was until we saw the Lay-Z-Spa Rio Hot Tub at a local super market.

You can read the post here

The End

For those of you who are new to the blog I hope that you have enjoyed looking at some posts that you might not have seen before! Hopefully with a number of great trips planned (and I hope not cancelled) there will be some more great content on the blog in 2020!!

Thanks for following and I'll see you in 2021!



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