Emma is your personal banking friend. You can input your bank details, credit cards into the app and it keeps tabs on where everything is and what you are doing with it. It reminds you when you've got money going out, where you spent it and if you might be able to save by moving elsewhere.
You can input budget figures to keep on top of things, see how you track against the anticipated spending and this is all changeable from either being on month to month or pay packed to pay packet spend.
You're able to look back over previous months and compare the costs of what's going in and out and see what's falling into certain categories.
To be fair I'm someone who has money going all over the place at different times of the month. Although I do keep good tabs on it Emma really helps you break it down and explain exactly that you are spending all your money on Amazon when you think that you are only spending a few ££ a month!!
My only wish is that the auto sync (which is quite good with a number of "high Street" banks) could be linked to more services and more bank accounts. However I don't think that this is so much Emma's fault more the linking of other service providers.
This is my number 1 personal finance app at the moment!