
Blogging in COVID

The Pressure

So I've been sort of wanting to write this post for a few weeks but not sure if I would publish it. I really made steps forward with the blog in 2020. Given the year that we all had that was good going and I was really pleased where the year ended. 2021 came around and I was looking forward to moving it forward more. But I haven't. Blogging in Covid is hard.

I've just drawn a blank on a lot of things. I have my many posts of Route 66 to finish and I want to get those done but I had so many other plans for what I wanted to write about. However some of those things are on hold because of COVID. I've got a few hotel reviews to do as well as a few other things that I wanted to go and do that would make great blog posts.


There is a lot to be positive for the year ahead. For those who've followed my Instagram will see that Jo and I got engaged over xmas. We're now planning our Wedding for later this year. That's of course taking time and taking energy. Hopefully we'll get a honeymoon in and I can put something together on that one. Obviously we're hoping that travel is allowed by then....

There is also a lot more to be positive about with work. After working in the events and entertainment world it's not been an easy time for us all but I'm starting to see positive shoots now starting to appear for us. That's a great relief. I've also started to update and work on my personal website ( to really increase my business presence. I've wanted to do this for a while, but I've felt now given a promotion at work that I felt that it's more appropriate now.

The Motivation

Some of my trips that would make great posts are overseas. We are meant to be heading to Monaco for the Grand Prix in May but with the COVID rules as they are it's looking unlikely for another year (it was already postponed in 2020). I'm also not really travelling for work because of our rules with the business. This is just making the whole thing harder.

I've also been in bed with a bad back for best part of 5 weeks since Mid January. This is has knocked on a load of "plans" as well.

Blogging in Covid

All in all this puts me in this place with this blog. I'm not stopping it or scrapping it (far from it) but I'm also mindful that mentally I'm just not in the place with it at the moment. I only want to put up good content and make interesting posts. I don't write short posts and they take effort that's just not here.

You see many other bloggers talking about the lull that they are feeling at the moment. I think many of us are seeing this in life at the moment as a whole.

I'm sure that in a month or two when I'm back travelling, the sun's out more, and things are getting back to normal the posts will be flowing and the content will be so much easier.

Is it bad to admit this? No I don't think so. I don't make my living from my blog. I do it because I enjoy it and I want to write about it and I want you to read about it. I've just been finding it hard to be blogging in Covid.

So forgive me for a few weeks whilst I get my stuff together. Normal service will be back soon. It might be next week. It might be next month but as Arnie once said. I'll be back!


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