All in all this puts me in this place with this blog. I'm not stopping it or scrapping it (far from it) but I'm also mindful that mentally I'm just not in the place with it at the moment. I only want to put up good content and make interesting posts. I don't write short posts and they take effort that's just not here.
You see many other bloggers talking about the lull that they are feeling at the moment. I think many of us are seeing this in life at the moment as a whole.
I'm sure that in a month or two when I'm back travelling, the sun's out more, and things are getting back to normal the posts will be flowing and the content will be so much easier.
Is it bad to admit this? No I don't think so. I don't make my living from my blog. I do it because I enjoy it and I want to write about it and I want you to read about it. I've just been finding it hard to be blogging in Covid.
So forgive me for a few weeks whilst I get my stuff together. Normal service will be back soon. It might be next week. It might be next month but as Arnie once said. I'll be back!