As the business continued to grow I started to learn more and more about the business side of doing business. Everyday was a "school day". I set up another business to run along side my main business which sadly failed. When the time is right I will do a post about that - but now isn't that time. Anyway it led to me having to leave my own company, and walk away from something that I had set up and run for nearly 10 years.
I didn't know what I was going to do. There were some offers of things. Some in the industry and some not. Finally though I settled on the journey that had led me to where I am now.
I'm now working for a big corporate company (but still in the entertainment industry) but with my knowledge gained from running my own business, and then working in a couple of other businesses as I built myself and my confidence back up I felt a gap.
Was it a thing to try and keep up with my colleagues, or just my new environment being more professional than before? I don't know but I felt that I was in a place where I wanted to study again.